Rockingham County History
National Register of Historic PlacesAddresses of all Historic Places listed below can be found here.
EdenBoone Road Historic District, Period of Significance 1875-1949 (Industry, Architecture, Queen Anne, Late 19th and 20th Century Revivals)
Bullard-Ray House, Period of Significance 1825-1899 (Industry, Commerce, Architecture, Colonial Revival, Greek Revival) Cascade Plantation, Period of Significance 1825-1849 (Architecture, Federal) Central Leaksville Historic District, Period of Significance 1800-1949 (Industry, Architecture, Queen Anne, Italianate) Dempsey-Reynolds-Taylor House, Period of Significance 1800-1949 (Politics/Government, Architecture, Queen Anne, Italianate) First Baptist Church, Period of Significance 1875-1949 (Architecture, Gothic Revival, Colonial Revival) Dr. Franklin King House-- Idlewild, Period of Significance 1875-1899 (Industry, Agriculture, Commerce, Architecture, Gothic Revival, Queen Anne, Italianate) Leaksville Commercial Historic District, Period of Significance 1825-1949 (Commerce, Architecture, 1825-1949) Leaksville Spray Institute, Period of Significance 1900-1949 (Education, Architecture, Queen Anne, Colonial Revival) Mt. Sinai Baptist Church, Period of Significance 1900-1949 (Black Religion, Architecture, Late Gothic Revival) Spray Industrial Historic District, Period of Significance 1800-1924 (Exploration/Settlement, Commerce, Industry, Architecture, Invention) St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Period of Significance 1925-1949 (Architecture, Social History) MadisonAcademy Street Historic District, Period of Significance 1825-1899 (Commerce, Architecture)
The Boxwoods, Period of Significance 1800-1824 (Community Planning and Development, Social History, Architecture, Federal) Cross Rock Rapid Sluice, Period of Significance 1800-1899 (Engineering, Transportation) Alfred Moore Scales Law Office, Period of Significance 1850-1899 (Commerce/Trade) MayodanWashington Mills-Mayodan Plant, Period of Significance 1875-1974 (Industry)
ReidsvilleChinqua-Penn Plantation, Period of Significance 1900-1949 (Social History, Landscape Architecture, Architecture)
First Baptist Church, Period of Significance 1900-1924 (Black Religion, Architecture, Late Gothic Revival) Jennings-Baker House, Period of Significance 1875-1899 (Commerce, Industry, Architecture, Italianate, Gothic) Reuben Wallace McCollum House, Period of Significance 1900-1949 (Architecture) North Washington Avenue Workers' House, Period of Significance 1900-1924 (Black Industry, Architecture) Penn House, Period of Significance 1900-1949 (Industry, Social History, Architecture, Colonial Revival) Governor David S. Reid House, Period of Significance 1875-1899 (Politics/Government) Former Reidsville High School, Period of Significance 1900-1949 (Education, Architecture, Colonial Revival, Classical Revival) Reidsville Historic District, Period of Significance 1850-1949 (Politics/Government, Exploration, Commerce, Transportation, Industry, Architecture, Queen Anne, Italianate) Richardson Houses Historic District, Period of Significance 1825-1949 (Exploration/Settlement, Agriculture, Architecture, Classical Revival, Greek Revival, Italianate) WentworthRockingham County Courthouse, Period of Significance 1900-1924 (Politics/Government, Social History, Architecture, Classical Revival)
Wentworth Methodist Episcopal Church and Cemetery, Period of Significance 1850-1874 (Religion, Architecture) Wright Tavern, Period of Significance 1800-1824 (Architecture, Federal) |